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"The beautiful soul that is my best friend @Ms_Music! Your light shines in my life so bright. I love you."
-- @realpaulvincent
Facebook Fan Post:
"She knows her stuff! Definitely worth checking out!"
-- Dominick White
YouTube Video: Fruit Loops With 2% Milk
"AAHAHAA....I LOVED IT!!!!! Defintely put a smile on my face.....girl you are funny!!!!"
-- nyjnum1
“I love Ms.Music, she's a very talented musican... She is one of, literally, the most prolific musicians I have ever come in contact with.”
-- B. Slade aka TONÉX
Grammy nominated, Stellar Award winning artist
"I lovvvvvvve me some Ms.Music!!!”
-- George Huff
American Idol 5th place finalist, Season 3
“I fell in love with Ms.Music in 2008, when she bailed me out, last minute, at a wedding gig. She was very professional, and for that--I am truly grateful!”
-- Sean "Sean G." Graves
Lead Vocalist of Dallas' #1 R&B/Soul cover band, N'TENSE

“I met Miss. Rogers when she was 15 years old, I was playing with God's Propoerty at the time. She's was probably the most ambitious kid I've ever known in my life!! Very eager to learn... She's the perfect picture of persistence, she never gave up, she never quit...”
-- Shaun Martin
Grammy Award winning producer
“She's very, very tribute-ful, always doing my songs and stuff, shouts out on the internet! Makes you feel special when someone thinks enough of you to get on the internet, mistakes and all...But every time I watch 'em, it's like 'wowww'. It makes me feel good that somebody loves you enough to do that...so, thank you, "Ms.Music"--Now go, do ya thug-dizzle!!"
-- J. Moss
Grammy Award winning producer &
Stellar Award winning Gospel Artist