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My \ Testimony / of




"It is my belief that the word 'God' is actually a huge power--a power we all possess, within the universe.and we have free will to use it. Some people choose to use it for other agendas that aren't positive/good. I vow to use my "made in God's image" power for good deeds and supreme service to all mankind. My light shines amongst darkness and I just want to see the world operate in love, peace, abundance, great health, wealth, and prosperity!"

Read my story...

Once upon a time, I humbly served in a career that prevented me from fully operating in my divine purpose. I realized that career choice had a negative effect on my health. I toiled with the decision to either stay or exit [to re-gain my health]. So... I took a gigantic leap of faith & I decided to "get fit" for the life that I wanted to live-- I decided to pursue my dreams as a world-wide entertainer.


In this present season of new beginnings, I'm more content now than ever before! Nothing excites me more than to be healthy again and to wake up, and go to work for myself as an independent artist/musician and to live the amazing life that I've always dreamt of.  however The Creator chooses to reward me, I am content with it. "Rich" is a mindset, not how much bank statements show.knowing that I'm walking in my destiny, living this life to the fullest, is the greatest and most rewarding feeling ever! And knowing [now] that I'm on the right path (mentally, physically, & spiritually), knowing that I'm finally operating in my divine purpose, I do not desire fame & fortune, but it is my desire and my purpose to make a positive impact in the world [via entertainment] &


In conclusion, The Creator knew that I wouldn't leave my comfort zone and forced me, by way of compromising my physical well-being, to put ALL of my trust The Higher Source.  Alignment with The Most High Creator takes priority over everything that I do, and I pay close attention to 'the signs'. I set my mind to what I need in every area of my life. And with every fiber of my being, I believe in The Creator. And even in the midst of adversity & spiritual attacks (coming from every angle imaginable)-- I never gave up. I believed that I would see the manifestation of my heart's desires. 



December 2013, I started a vision book. Every-noun (person, place, thing) that I wanted to see manifested, I put it into my book. Starting the new year off right,live I woke up and worked out, I sharpened my piano skills and in June 2014, I got a vocal coach. It was my vocal coach, Alphie Guess, who had me write out my 5 year career plan. I listed my career goals, making sure to be very specific. One of the things that I listed was traveling to different countries, and JAPAN was listed. But I didn't put that I want to perform there, but to do video and photo shoots--Let me tell you what GOD, The Creator, did: as if I already had received all of the things that I wrote down.I began to think, believe, and



I heard a powerful voice in my spirit say: 


"You went through and endured the storms and challenges, prepared to live the life that you wanted, disconnected yourself from ALL forms of negativity, and now that you're in constant alignment,, here's what's about to happen for you:


 You will travel to JAPAN where you will have a fresh career start, as a world class entertainer. You won't just do video and photo shoots, as you requested, but, Queen-- You will headline your own show. Queen, The messages that I have for you to tell the world, you couldn't reach them by staying in your previous comfort zone. Dear Queen, you will build & promote your brand in many foreign lands. I will always bless you with more abundance, only if you remain in constant alignment with me, forever. NOW--travel the 7 continents, wearing  your custom . 7 point crown and share your story & what The Creator did for you, will be done for them. Go now-- it is your time to brightly shine."



I was given MORE than what I requested. To spend a large portion of my life, in a new country, learning a new culture, connecting with amazing people, plus headlining my own show?? Pretty awesome, wouldn't you agree?



WHAT DID I DO PRIOR? I removed ALL forms of negativity from my life! I BELIEVED that I would succeed! I BELIEVED that I deserved everything that I visualized, NO MATTER HOW LUXURIOUS AND EXQUISITE IT WAS. changed my mindset. I wrote down my dreams and visions and put them in a safe place. I prepared and refined my crafts. I put in tons of effort, positive energy, and time into creating . #THETALKBOXQUEEN. 


This is the kind of reward that you're blessed with when you're in total alignment with GOD, aka the spirit inside us all. Every now and then, everyone needs a little encouragement, mixed with positive motivation. I hope that while reading this blog, you were enlightened. I believe that anyone who has a positive mindset, can can learn to balance out negativity in a healthy way, can and will accomplish whatever it is they see in their minds.  Relentlessly pursue YOUR dreams--and don't let any [insert nouns/circumstances here] distract/stop you!


*Faith, without works is non-existent.

-- #TTBQ


 NMR PRODUCTIONS © 2025 ✨ All Rights Reserved. 

+All songs written/recorded/produced by NaTasha "Ms.Music" Rogers (BMI) for NMR PRODUCTIONS
Intimacy by NaTasha Rogers 
| Executive Producer, Engineer, Songwriter - NaTasha "Ms.Music" Rogers, Mastered By: James DuMaine

#THETALKBOXQUEEN | Executive Producer, Engineer, Songwriter - NaTasha "Ms.Music" Rogers, Mastered By: James DuMaine
'Love. Peace. Music. - EP' Produced & Engineered by NaTasha "Ms.Music" Rogers for NMR PRODUCTIONS   
*** 'Love. Peace.Music. EP' mastered by Ralph Rogers, Jr. for Perfecting Audio & Recording** 
Website designed by NMR PRODUCTIONS 

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